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Use the (Market) Force, Luke

29 November 2009

I’ve heard of people waiting in lines for days to buy concert tickets or the newest video game. Let’s not even discuss the madness that preceded the Star Wars prequels. But 70 dueling real estate agents waiting in line to snap up condos?

While low mortgage rates are keeping the real estate market hot in most of the country, the Toronto condo market must really be on fire if real estate agents need to queue for up to a week in November to get first crack at a new downtown luxury building.

Apparently things got heated between the agents in the various lines with “jabbing, shouts, threats and accusations of queue-jumping”. In the end it had to be broken up by police and several of the agents who felt that they’d been wronged protested with signs that said, “unfair”.

I say next time we settle it the Star Wars way – with a good old-fashioned light saber battle.

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