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11 July 2011

The small picture

Looking at the big picture in the housing market it is easy to conclude that the housing boom should be bracing for a crash.  It seems that with all that is going on in the world and especially with our closest southern neighbor, that the constant calls for interest rate increases continue to to be muted and…

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7 July 2011
The Mysterious Vancouver Housing Bubble: Part 2

It seems to be a weekly occurrence now to hear about some new data attempting to explain the ever-rising home prices in Vancouver. This week, Benjamin Tal, deputy chief economist at CIBC, pointed to some data from Landcor Data Corp. which estimated that only 10% of foreign transactions in Vancouver over the past five years…

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16 December 2009
2009: The Year of Rising House Prices

I was standing in line at Starbucks the other day when glancing at the cover of the Globe and Mail I couldn’t help but notice the gigantic headline under Colin Firth’s smirking face.

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16 December 2009
2009: The Year of Rising House Prices

I was standing in line at Starbucks the other day when glancing at the cover of the Globe and Mail I couldn’t help but notice the gigantic headline under Colin Firth’s smirking face.

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