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2 August 2013

The One Place You Should Never get a Credit Card From

There’s a lot to consider when you sign up for credit cards. You need to look at the interest rate, any awards or points you may rack up while using it, and of course the balances and cash limits you’ll be given. But have you ever thought of where you’re getting that credit card from? If…

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20 July 2013
The One Thing Prepaid Credit Cards Won’t Do

Prepaid credit cards can be a great answer for those who have poor credit, or just want to make sure they don’t get too far over their heads into debt. We’re talking about the cards, available largely through Visa, that you can put money on, and then use them just like a regular credit card….

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20 November 2009
Finally, Finance 101 for Ontario Kids

During the economic downturn in Canada, studies revealed that far too many Canadians were caught with too much debt and not enough savings.

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