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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

19 March 2013

CAAMP says 190,000 Jobs will be Lost in Next 2 Years due to Mortgage Rule Changes

Last year was the fourth time in just as many years that Finance Minister Jim Flaherty made mortgage rule changes; but it was undeniably that round that saw the most protests, especially by those in the industry. One of the arguments against the changes, made even before they officially went into effect, was that they…

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18 March 2013
U.S. Housing Market Seeing a Big Rebound

We all knew it would happen and now, the housing market in the U.S. is finally starting to get back on its feet, after five long years of an environment that can only be described as dismal and gloomy. Now though, the market south of the border isn’t only hitting expectations and predictions, but greatly…

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18 March 2013
Dishing the Dirt on the Common Law Status

Divorces can be a messy thing, especially if you have a home that you need to split up. But what about if you’re common-law? Who gets what? How are things split up? And what are the conditions to be considered common-law anyway? What has to occur for a couple to be deemed “common law“? Typically,…

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17 March 2013
More Law Suits Over Condos

Back in November we talked about how Trump Tower developers in Toronto were suing investors for backing out of the purchase of their condo units. But, a case in Vancouver involving former Prime Minister Kim Campbell, shows that lawsuits can go both ways. And sometimes, the purchasers of those condos can also sue. That was…

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17 March 2013
Are You Paying Your Taxes?

An issue has cropped up on the Canadian economic horizon, and it’s one that often goes unnoticed, or at least, isn’t talked about all that often. It’s tax evasion. And it’s costing the Canadian economy “tens of billions” in revenue. That’s a major concern, as Canada is currently in trouble when it comes to the…

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16 March 2013
To Build or Buy Your Home? The Pros and Cons of Each

When you’re looking for a new place to call home and you know you want to buy a brand new one, you have two options: you can search the market looking for that one that seems as though it was made for you, or you can build one that actually was. So, what’s the best…

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16 March 2013
Household Debt Reaches All-Time High

Yep, it’s that same old story again. Our household debt is higher than it’s ever been, and while the Bank of Canada is taking the time to congratulate us on the fact that the amount of our credit accumulation is stabilizing, it can’t be denied that it’s still climbing-  even if it’s at a slower…

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