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12 September 2013

National Household Survey Yields Unsurprising Results

We’ve all been waiting anxiously for the results of this year’s National Household Survey to be released, and now here they are. For those that have been waiting for earth-shattering news though, the actual results may not be all that shocking. When it comes to overall home ownership rates, in 2011 the survey showed that…

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11 September 2013
When To, and When Not To, Use a HELOC as an Emergency Fund

There’s a lot of debate as to whether or not people should be using their HELOC as an emergency fund. Of course, just like everything else in life, this is something that has both benefits and risks attached to it; and it’s those that people have to take into total consideration before they decide to start…

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10 September 2013
Surprising News about the Emergency Funds of Canadians

If you’ve been stressed out over the fact that you don’t have an emergency fund, the good news is that you’re not alone. BMO has just released the results from their Rainy Day Survey and it shows that many Canadians don’t have a fund they can tap into when emergency strikes, and those that do…

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9 September 2013
Older Canadians may have the Advantage when it Comes to Economics

There’s been a lot of talk lately about older Canadians and how hard they’re going to have it now, and in the coming years. They have high levels of household debt, and Equifax recently announced that retirees have the most debt of any other Canadian group. Not to mention the fact that they’re already on…

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8 September 2013
How much does Your Child Receive for a Tooth?

Thirty years ago, a quarter seemed like a pretty fair find for leaving a tooth under your pillow at night. But now, you’d be surprised to know just how much parents (er, we mean the tooth fairy) are leaving, just for one tooth – as much as $100 in some cases! And even the norm…

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7 September 2013
Money Talks: Volume 41

You want to save some money, right? Well that’s good news, because this week’s edition of Money Talks is full of money-saving tips! To go along with that, some good news on the unemployment front so you’ll have even more to save and for good measure, there’s one of those odd real estate stories, and…

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6 September 2013
Why Does Scotiabank want BoC to Raise Rates?

Here’s a riddle for you. Housing markets are up all across the country, and economists and the government have both agreed that there’s likely no hard landing to be felt in this country. So why then does Bank of Nova Scotia’s chief executive officer, Rick Waugh, still feel as though raising the key policy interest…

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