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We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

5 July 2010

Many Consumers Considering Hybrid Mortgages

Hybrid, or combination mortgages, appeal to a growing segment of consumers in view of the economy’s unpredictability. Many people are taking a wait-and-see approach.

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5 July 2010
Revenue Canada Backpedals on TFSA

Revenue Canada is giving account holders more leniencies before charging penalties due to widespread misunderstanding of account rules.

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2 July 2010
Canadian Economy Slows Down in 2nd Quarter

Canada Economy Slows as Does Real Estate Market. True to policy makers’ predictions earlier this year, the second quarter saw slower economic growth in Canada as the retail and manufacturing sectors plunged.

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2 July 2010
Canadian Banks Borrow Fewer Euros

Concerns Ease as Borrowing from the ECB Drops. In what is considered by many to be a positive step in the right direction, banks borrowed fewer euros from the European Central bank (ECB) than what was was originally speculated.

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2 July 2010
Fixed Rate Mortgages Recommended for ‘Risk Adverse’ Buyers

Bank V.P. gives ‘personal advice’ on housing markets and fixed rate mortgages vs. variable rate mortgages.

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2 July 2010
Are We Headed For a Housing Bubble?

Set to Buy in the Time of Possible Bubbles. Saturday’s National Post had a column from Patricia Lovett-Reid, the senior vice-president of TD Waterhouse, discussing whether or not we’re currently experiencing a housing bubble.

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30 June 2010
US Economist Says Conservative Spending is Road to Great Depression Part Deux

Krugman says cutting government spending is the way to rack and ruin. But is he right? The G20 conference is now part of history, but shortly after it was over, Paul Krugman, a Nobel-winning economist, made some waves by strongly opining that the consensus to get spending and debt levels down was precisely the wrong approach.

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