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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

3 August 2010

How to Consolidate Your Debts with a Second Mortgage

A Second Mortgage Can Be Cheaper Than the Costs Associated with Carrying Debt fro a Variety of Sources.

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3 August 2010
Using a Home Equity Line of Credit to Balance Budgets

As governments work to reign in deficits, individual homeowners can improve their own budgets by using a home equity line of credit to service existing debt owed on high interest loans and/or credit cards.

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2 August 2010
Using a Reverse Mortgage to Reach Retirement Goals

With diminished confidence in traditional retirement investments, a reverse mortgage may help retired or soon-to-be retired homeowners reach their retirement goals.

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2 August 2010
Debt Consolidation Pertinent as Interest Rates Rise

As governments talk about tightening monetary policy, debt consolidation under a secured line of credit is a pertinent issue for homeowners carrying high interest credit card debt and other loans.

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2 August 2010
Secured Line of Credit Can Boost Retirement Savings

Utilizing a secured line of credit to reduce interest payments on existing debt can free up money to make long-delayed retirement investments.

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30 July 2010
Mortgage Brokers Can Help Uncomplicate the Wealth of Economic Strategies

A knowledgeable mortgage broker can help first-time homebuyers understand the mortgage options available on the market, while cutting through the wealth of economic information available in the media to recommend the mortgage product best suited to a homebuyer’s needs

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30 July 2010
Using a Second Mortgage to Finance a U.S. Retirement Property

Current low interest rates, the strength of the Canadian dollar and low U.S. housing prices make it an opportune time to utilize a second mortgage in order to purchase a vqcation rental property/eventual retirement property for future ‘snowbirds’.

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