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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

31 January 2011

Dealing with Mortgage Lending Problems in a Low Interest Climate

The risks of over extending credit and over valued assets can be tackled smartly and in a less draconian way.

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31 January 2011
2010 Calgary Housing Market: Active in First Half, Flat in Second

The Calgary housing market saw some momentum in the first part of 2010 while the second part of the year remained flat.

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27 January 2011
Tightening Mortgage Lending Will Slow Down Economy: Credit Union Chief

In a view contrary to that of economists and major Canadian banks, Central 1 Credit Union’s chief economist Helmut Pastrick says that he does not anticipate a housing price bubble and believes that tightening mortgage lending criteria will slow down the housing market and in turn, the economy.

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27 January 2011
Canadians Have Ratcheted Up More Debt Than Americans

Canadians’ household debt has surpassed American levels, with the government looking at ways to cool off the housing market.

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25 January 2011
Finance Minister Concerned About Mortgage Debt

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty expressed his concerns about the impact of a future rise in rates on home buyers’ ability to repay debt.

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20 January 2011
Mixed Reactions to the Announcement of Revised Mortgage Rules

Reaction has been mixed to the announcement of new mortgage rules which will come into effect March 18.

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20 January 2011
Canadian Cities Report Lower Apartment Vacancy Rates

A recovering economy has positively impacted Canadian housing rentals, with lower vacancies and higher rental costs being reported this year.

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