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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

8 June 2011

A higher Canadian dollar is helping on the “Home” front.

There has been a great deal of concern as our Canadian dollar gained in strength and economist were concerned that the high value of our currency would negatively impact trade with our export partners.  That are less willing to pay higher prices for or goods.  However, there is a bright side to this on the…

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6 June 2011
The Power of Home Equity

In today’s financial climate it is becoming more and more important to expand and diversify financially.  Many people have left the “security” of their full time, salaried jobs for the uncertainty of self  employment. The reason being that there is no security in today’s corporate atmosphere.  Restructuring and cut backs have been the norm for the…

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2 June 2011
Which Market is better: Buyers or Sellers?

A hot market is a “seller’s market”, where properties can sell within a few days of being listed, there are often multiple offers, and sometimes homes even sell above the asking price.  A “buyer’s market” on the contrary usually includes houses that may sit on the market for some time.  It can also be characterized…

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1 June 2011
How affordable is housing in Canada anyway?

With the pricing for basic necessities like gas and food on the rise, it is no surprise that people are more conscious of how they spend their money.   As a result, the average person is even more hesitant with regard to housing and the plausibility of making a purchase that requires such a sizable investment. Staying abreast…

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3 May 2011
Getting a second mortgage in Canada – Things to be taken into account

The purpose of taking out a second mortgage loan in Canada.

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23 April 2011
RBC TO Brokers: We’re Sorry.

RBC Vs. Mortgage Brokers: Blown Way Out Of Proportion, But A Good Lens From Which To View The Mortgage Industry Nevertheless.

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22 April 2011
IMF To Canada: Consumer Debt Is A Problem

IMF to Canada: Consumer Debts Are a Problem. Canadians need to watch out, as their consumer debts and other liabilities are really taking a big bite out of their income. With so much “interest drag”, how can one be expected to get ahead?

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