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4 July 2011

A Final Thought About The Potential Housing Bubble

In discussing the recent report which led to a minor frenzy of housing bubble related media coverage, one of my main points was that it was unwise to predict countrywide drops in housing prices for a country with some pretty important differences from one region or city to another. Specifically, the data I presented showed…

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3 July 2011
Maybe Prices Aren’t Going To Drop THAT Much

Yesterday I discussed a report that suggested that the Canadian housing market was due for a big price correction. The primary piece of evidence used by the research firm Capital Economics was that the ratio of house prices to disposable income per capita was 25% above their expected levels, according to the company’s calculations. In…

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30 June 2011
Research Firm Predicts 25% Drop in Canadian Housing Prices

A report by Capital Economics, suggests that house prices in Canada could fall by 25% over the next three years. The report points to some specific concerns for their worrying prediction: -Housing prices relative to disposable income are 25% overvalued -Unoccupied housing units are at historical highs -The homeownership rate has increased sharply over the…

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27 June 2011
Unpredictable Economy Places Premium on Expert Advice

The relative uncertainty with respect to growth and inflation rates in the short to medium term has spilled over to housing decisions. Recently, lower than expected growth and inflation rates led Bank of Canada chairman Mark Carney to put off an interest rate hike for at least six weeks. In all likelihood, a rate hike…

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24 June 2011
The Mysterious Vancouver Housing Bubble

The fact that Vancouver is currently in the midst of a housing bubble is very much un-mysterious. House prices are up 21% over the last year and 188% over the last decade. The average house in Vancouver is 11.1 times the average annual income, double the national average. The mystery lies in what the driving…

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22 June 2011
Canadians Appear Prepared For Mortgage Rate Hikes

After news that Canadians have accumulated enormous amounts of household debt in recent years, it was refreshing to get some more positive news. A recent Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) survey found that, by and large, Canadians were fairly studious and responsible when it came to planning out their household budgets. The survey found…

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21 June 2011
Tapping Into Home Equity to Deal With Credit Card Debt

A Statistics Canada report released on Monday presents some startling facts about the level of household debt that we as Canadians have taken on. In total, household debt among Canadians has reached $1.5 trillion. This equates to $176,461 for each two-child household. While we have long taken pride in being more fiscally responsible than Americans,…

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