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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

21 February 2013

How to Create a Budget

With household debt levels at all-time highs, and not seeming like they’re about to go down any time soon, everyone’s wondering how they can keep more money for themselves and still get out of debt at the same time. The answer, while it can be complex, always starts with one step – creating a budget….

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20 February 2013
How to Stage Your Home for a Quick Sale

Home staging is a simple concept that can do a lot for your home, especially when it’s on the market and you’re trying to sell. And in today’s market, sellers are using every trick in the book in order to not only find a buyer for their home, but also to get top dollar for…

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20 February 2013
Are Condos for Singles and Couples Only?

Putting aside all the talk of price drops and the ‘cookie cutter condo,’ today we look at another stereotype given to condos: that they’re only meant for couples and single people. It’s true we’ve talked quite a bit on this blog about how condos are great for young people, young professionals, couples with no children,…

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19 February 2013
How Much are Canadians Saving? What are we Saving For?

A survey recently conducted by BMO shows that while Canadians are planning on saving more of their money this year, they may be saving for the wrong things. As you can see from the chart above, the category that Canadians are saving the most for are luxury and fun, with retirement and emergencies coming in…

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19 February 2013
High Home Prices a Threat to Canada says IMF; is More Tightening Needed?

The International Monetary Fund, the organization that was created back in the 40s to keep exchange rate stability and improve the economy of the participating countries, has now spoken out about something all Canadians have been worried about the past couple of years – rising home prices, coupled with record high levels of household debt….

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18 February 2013
Want a Condo, but not in Toronto? Try Ottawa Instead!

Whether you’re searching for your next investment property or that next place to call home, you might be a bit wary to look at any condos. Indeed, the story of Toronto condos has all Canadians thinking that these “boxes in the sky” are becoming the bottom-feeders of the housing market, thanks to an oversupply and…

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18 February 2013
Will Linking Student Loans to Grades Help Students Avoid Too Much Debt?

With so much talk of our rising household and consumer debt levels, it makes sense that the government is trying to find ways to stop Canadians from taking on so much debt. They’ve already done this through mortgage rule tightening, and through constant warnings of our ever-increasing debt levels. Now though, Tim Hudak has a…

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