' Money Talks: Volume 8 - Canadian Mortgages Inc Skip To Content

Money Talks: Volume 8

11 January 2013

This week’s edition of Money Talks is a busy one, as everyone is back at it on the blogosphere after the holiday lull, and everyone’s got a lot to say! That being said, let’s dive right in and take a look at the best stuff we found this week.

Personal Finance
Need a little (or a lot) of help sorting out your personal finances this new year? RateSupermarket has lined up a collection of the best personal finance books to help you out.

There’s been a whole lot of talk lately about the debt-to-income ratio. Boomer & Echo takes a look at why simply looking at stats isn’t enough to warrant panic.

Yes, it’s already RRSP season, or about to be very soon, and everyone needs to start thinking about it. On her blog this week, Gail Vaz-Oxlade points out three more big myths surrounding these saving plans (which actually let you invest.) You can check them out here and here.

Are you planning your investment strategy around the January Effect? This week the RateSupermarket explains what it is, and how to take advantage of it.

Real Estate
Are you using a real estate agent? The Bigger Pockets blog examines several reasons why the answer should always be a resounding “Yes!”

We talk about a “healthy housing” market all the time. CanEquity looks at what that should really mean to you.

The mortgage insurance rules that went into effect last July had great effects  – but not to the million dollar homes in Canada. EveryDay Money looks at the recent boom in this type of Canadian housing.

Are home prices going up or down? This week the MtgOptions blog looks at how they’re doing both!


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