' Money Talks: Volume 46 Skip To Content

Money Talks: Volume 46

12 October 2013

Mortgages, real estate, and finance, oh my! Yes, the news headlines have once again opened up to include every aspect of the mortgage and housing market, and there’s even some Thanksgiving news thrown in there too. With that said, here’s our 46th edition of Money Talks.

Personal Finance

You’ve been working so hard to save it all up. Once you have it though, what do you do with that retirement income? Boomer & Echo has some answers for you.

Would you pay your kids for better grades? Everyday Money clues you in whether or not this works.

It’s one of those expenses you just can’t seem to get away from. This week Gail Vaz-Oxlade has tips on how to save money while buying kids’ clothes.

We’re just a couple of days away from Thanksgiving and RateSupermarket reminds you to be thankful for your finances.

Real Estate

An Ottawa couple is getting national attention after they say their family is being discriminated against. Do you agree with this eviction, or are you dead set against it?

Aura is now home to Canada’s tallest residential tower! Read about it over at The Star.

Are you a condo buyer? Are you ‘scrambling’ to close a deal on a unit? The Star looks at how many are.


Are you looking for the elusive 85% LTV mortgage? Don’t think you can get one through a traditional bank? Canadian Mortgage Trends tells you how you can.

Canadian Finance

Are you eligible for the disability tax credit? The Canadian Finance Blog tells you if you are.

Minimum wage has been frozen for the past two years, and The Star looks at who’s being most negatively affected by it.

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