' Money Talks: Volume 3 - Canadian Mortgages Inc Skip To Content

Money Talks: Volume 3

7 December 2012

From how to save money now to how to build a retirement income plan, and two different looks at the ever-present debate surrounding locked and variable rates, there’s a lot of money matters to talk about! Here’s a look at what we’ve found around this week.

  • The time for variable rates is over! It’s all about the fixed rate now! Or so says Canadian Mortgage Trends anyway.
  • But before you go applying for that fixed rate, make sure that you know all the sides of the story. Everyday Money takes a look at why you may not want to be so fussy about fixed.
  • Whatever type of mortgage rate you’re going to apply for, you’re going to need to know how much you can afford. And this week, CanEquity has some pretty interesting stats, obtained from Canadian homebuyers and owners, that you may want to consider.
  • Have your mortgage all figured out, but still don’t know how you’re going to make it in retirement – especially if you’re still hanging onto that home loan? Boomer & Echo breaks down a few ways to plan for your Golden Years.
  • Still need to save even more money for your retirement years, or even just next week? Rate Supermarket has got some great tips on how to save money on holiday parties.
  • YourMoney sheds some more light this week on how to save money – by not buying this $7 coffee from Starbucks!


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