' Money Talks: Volume 20 - Canadian Mortgages Inc Skip To Content

Money Talks: Volume 20

12 April 2013

There was some personal finance talk this week; our personal favourite is Boomer’s post that ties your personal budget in with your home insurance. Savings takes up most of our talk, but there’s some interesting mortgage talk mixed in there too, with some especially good advice from CanEquity about how to prepare your credit before applying for a mortgage. That, and with just a touch of investing talk, makes up this week’s edition of Money Talks.

Personal Finance

Think you’re stuck with the rate that insurance companies give you for homeowners insurance? Boomer & Echo saved $300 on theirs, and they tell you how you can save on yours too.

Thought it was only women that were obsessed with shoes? A new survey shows that men love their footwear just as much; even more, in fact. And the number of men that love their shoes is going up to boot!

Gail Vaz-Oxlade comes out this week to tell us, well, what she always has to tell us. Not to shop.


Thought all home buying myths surrounded things like where the best deals were and how to save money on your Realtor’s commission? This week RateSupermarket looks at 4 home buying myths that might be more important than any of those others.

One of the most important things you can do before applying for a mortgage is to make sure your credit is in check. This week CanEquity tells you how to do that.


The RRSP deadline is now a distant memory, along with the panic that surrounded that final contribution. But RRSPs aren’t the only rodeo in town when it comes to investing in your retirement, and this week the Canadian Finance Blog looks at one of them. Locked-in retirement accounts (LIRAs.)

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