' Money Talks: Volume 17 - Canadian Mortgages Inc Skip To Content

Money Talks: Volume 17

22 March 2013

Stressed about a housing market crash? Scotiabank says you shouldn’t be. Stressed out about your mortgage, or about finding your next one? This week one blog says that you fall within the majority of Canadians. Oh, and did you know that March is Fraud Awareness Month? That and more is in this week’s edition of Money Talks.

Personal Finance

Everyone’s trying to get out of debt, and just about any way will help. This week the Canadian Finance Blog gives you three ways to do it.

Getting ready to  hand your taxes in? Are you self-employed? The RateSupermarket has six tax tips just for you!

Yes, it’s Fraud Prevention Month! Everyday Money brings you one kind of fraud to avoid – testimonial and subscription scams.

How much do you need in your emergency fund? Is that an excuse that’s been keeping you from setting one aside? This week Gail Vaz-Oxlade gives us the biggest ones she’s heard.

Real Estate

CREA has an updates on their resale housing forecast; and they’ve got a lot of numbers for you to digest.

Still think there’s going to be a housing market crash? Scotiabank gives you more reasons why it won’t happen, and the Mortgage Options blog brings them to you.


Are you stressed out about your mortgage? This week Canadian Mortgage Trends shows that most of us are!

Canadian Finance

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s mad as heck and not gonna’ take it anymore. He’s looking at shaping up our job market in a big way.

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