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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

29 November 2010

First Time Home Buyers Worried About Mortgage Approval

RBC survey reveals that first time home buyers are worried about getting mortgage approval and being able to afford down payment.

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9 November 2010
Housing Starts Dip as Real Estate Market Slows Down

Economists say that despite homes being overvalued, larger household debt, and lesser housing starts, Canadian housing market is not at a serious risk.

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5 July 2010
Canadian Housing Stats for the Month of May are In

Sales dropped but what does that mean for the average Homebuyer?

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28 June 2010
‘Conservative’ Canadian Mortgage Marked Praised

Canada’s housing markets have remained robust, avoiding the steep declines in housing prices that have resulted in a continuing wave of foreclosure. The influential Washington Post lauded a more conservative Canadian mortgage market than that in the United States.

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28 June 2010
New US Home Sales Fall Off a Cliff Last Month

Per an Associated Press article in the Globe and Mail, US home sales “collapsed” in May, with sales tumbling a staggering 33%. This is due to the government’s stimulative tax credit – part of the recovery package – expiring.

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25 June 2010
Canada Touted as an Uncommon Pillar Of Economic Strength?

Amidst Global Economic Turbulence, Canada Remains Relatively Stable. An article in the Globe and Mail today by Michael Babad touts Canada’s economy as uncommonly stable and sound.

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24 June 2010
Canadian Home Owners Experience the Wealth Effect

As Canada Housing Prices Rise So Do Our Spending Habits. Statistics Canada recently revealed that average the average net worth of Canadian households has risen by almost one and a half percent (1.3% to be exact).

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