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Market Monitor

We keep our finger on the pulse of the mortgage investment market to provide you with the latest news and trends from our team of experts. Read our blog to get the latest on mortgage investing so you can invest with CMI.

17 April 2012

Should Canada Restrict Foreign Investors?

Torontonians are hard-pressed to try and forget the northern Toronto bungalow that was listed last month somewhere in the area of $400,000 – only to have the buyer take on a $1 million Toronto mortgage to buy it. The buyer? A university student from China, studying in Canada and buying the home for his parents,…

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15 April 2012
Sudbury sees Fewest Starts in Five Quarters

Toronto and Vancouver might be plugging away and getting a new condo building up every time a city bus drives by, but the same cannot be said for all Canadian markets. And if you’re currently looking for a Sudbury mortgage on a new home, you might find that it’s getting more difficult, as the city…

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14 April 2012
As Vancouver Housing Drops, Toronto Becomes “Market to Watch”

The Canadian housing market is an interesting thing. For the past year and a half, all eyes have been on B.C., especially on Vancouver where housing prices have been astronomically high and there are more housing starts every day. Well now, those starts are still happening but the actual number of homes that are selling…

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13 April 2012
Toronto’s Condo Market is Hot, Hot, Hot!

Whoever thought we’d see the day that Toronto’s condo market exceeded that of Vancouver’s? No one thought it was coming any time soon, but new stats from the Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation say that lenders can expect to see a whole lot more Toronto mortgages, and that they’re likely to be on condominiums, as…

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10 April 2012
Home Prices Still Rising

If home prices are going down, it hasn’t happened yet. According to the Royal LePage House Price Survey, home prices went up in the first quarter of this year, when compared to the same time last year, and they increased by 2.2% – 5%, depending on where you’re looking at in the country. On a…

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7 April 2012
Canadians Think it’s a Good Time to Buy, just not for Them

A recent poll, done for Royal Bank of Canada and taken by Ipsos Reid, has found that while the majority of Canadians think that now is a good time to buy a home – but an even higher majority said that they personally don’t plan on buying a home right now. The survey, which questioned…

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21 March 2012
Selling your home in Toronto? You’ll Probably get full Asking Price

There’s good news for anyone that’s looking to sell their home in Toronto – and perhaps a little bit of bad news for those that are looking to buy one. The Toronto Real Estate Board has issued their report for resale housing figures in the GTA and it shows that those selling their home in…

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