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Do Women Find Buying More Stressful?

20 April 2010

Women Find Home Buying More Stressful

Here’s yet another survey, this one conducted by Genworth Financial Canada on the differences between men and women and home buying.

The research indicates that while both men and women feel that home ownership gives them a sense of happiness and security, that’s where the similarity between the genders ends.

According to the survey, 43 per cent of women (as opposed to 32 per cent of men) indicated that they have a tendency to be more stressed and less confident than men when it comes to buying a home. The study showed that even women in strong financial situations seem to find home buying stressful.

Sometimes there are articles that are interesting for their content alone, but then there are those articles that are interesting for the reader comments. This is one of those articles. There’s nothing like a study on gender to get the troops all riled up.

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